Owning a Greyhound | Star Pelaw Stadium
Owning a greyhound racing at Star Pelaw can be a very exciting and rewarding experience that all the family can be involved with. You can enjoy the thrill of watching your greyhound race at the Stadium and even visit your pride and joy at your trainer’s kennels.
There are several ways of purchasing a racing greyhound – public auction, adverts in the racing press, or through a greyhound trainer attached to Star Pelaw Stadium. The cost of a greyhound can vary enormously.
For newcomers the best advice is to come to the stadium on a race night and speak to our Racing Manager, David Gray, or Promotions Manager Lewis Williams who will be happy to give you further information and introduce you to trainers attached to Star Pelaw.
The cost of keeping a greyhound with a trainer attached to Star Pelaw is usually around £8-10 day. In addition you need to budget for inoculations and any other veterinary fees as may, from time to time, be required. Prize money earned by your greyhound (net of the 10% Trainers retention) can be used to offset, in part, your monthly kennel bills.
You may wish to consider syndication where you team together in ownership with your friends in order to share costs.